Subject: Re: Continuing sun3 nbsd142 funzies.....SUCCESS!!!!!
To: NetBSD port-sun3 mailing list <>
From: Julian Coleman <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 05/30/2000 16:32:06
> NetBSD REQUIRES motor-on-spin-up at power-on on its HD'. That is not
> in the INSTALL.txt, nor in the README files!!!! Can someone put a note
> in the INSTALL.txt AND in the README file that you must jumper the HD's
> to motor-on-spin-up at power-on, rather than motor-on-spin-up on command?
Strange. I have a 3/80 with two Sun424's in (actually Seagate 1480N's).
Both are set to 'motor-on-spin-up on command'. It boots from the first and
there's a pause in the disk probing while the second spins up. I haven't
tried netbooting it though (I originally installed onto a pair of Quantums
but swapped those out after I upgraded from 1.3.3).
My other computer also runs NetBSD