Subject: Re: sun3 scsi still/again/whatever
To: Alexander Bochmann <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 04/13/2000 01:31:09
On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Alexander Bochmann wrote:

> I'm still poking around in my sun3/160, trying to get 
> it to work somehow... 
> As NetBSD doesn't support the scsi controller in the 
> box, I have tried to install SunOS, but it seems, it 
> doesn't even really work there.
	Bummer :/

> According to the sun hardware reference file, I have a 
> "6U VME Sun-2 SCSI host adapter" in a 6U/9U frame for the 
> 3/160. I assume, that's what is called the "sc" controller 
> in NetBSD?
	Should be.

> The same controller is in the other sun3 I have been working 
> with, but there it at least used to work with SunOS. In this 
> system, I don't seem to be able to boot from disks attached 
> to the controller (with SunOS), although everything up to 
> this point including bad sector list management and formatting 
> and putting disklabels on the drive and copying the miniroot 
> rom the boot tape to the swap space works. Just to boot the 
> miniroot afterwards doesn't...
> Interestingly, I get different errors from the bootrom prompt, 
> depending on what drive I connect.
> When I attach a 640MB Seagate Wren2 drive, there is just a
>   scsi: timeout
>   scsi: no such controller on scsi bus
>   scsi: no such controller on scsi bus
> after the b sd command
> With a Quantum ProDrive 85S, I get
>   scsi: timeout
>   sd: error 70 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 20 0 0
>   sd: error 70 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 20 0 0
> If I disconnect the Emulex controller with the QIC24 tape 
> drive from the bus, I also get the "no such controller..." 
> message with the Quantum drive...?
> Interestingly, I also can't seem to be able to set the 
> first bit of the scsi ID on any drive connected to the bus, 
> so I never get to have an sd3 (although the miniroot stuff 
> etc. also seems to work automagically when the disk is sd4 
> or sd6 - doesn't matter when trying to boot, by the way).
> The cable looks fine, as far as I have seen.
> Any ideas, what I can do short of just throwing all the 
> stuff on the next junk pile? Anyone with a spare "sun3 
> scsi" controller?

	Have you tried swapping things out with the other sun?
	Alternatively you could always netboot :)
