Subject: sun3 scsi still/again/whatever
To: None <>
From: Alexander Bochmann <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 04/12/2000 23:31:19
I'm still poking around in my sun3/160, trying to get
it to work somehow...
As NetBSD doesn't support the scsi controller in the
box, I have tried to install SunOS, but it seems, it
doesn't even really work there.
(Sorry about the offtopic-ness, but I it seems there
is about the largest oncentration of people who know
about the system here, if there is an even better place,
please tell me ;) ...)
According to the sun hardware reference file, I have a
"6U VME Sun-2 SCSI host adapter" in a 6U/9U frame for the
3/160. I assume, that's what is called the "sc" controller
in NetBSD?
The same controller is in the other sun3 I have been working
with, but there it at least used to work with SunOS. In this
system, I don't seem to be able to boot from disks attached
to the controller (with SunOS), although everything up to
this point including bad sector list management and formatting
and putting disklabels on the drive and copying the miniroot
rom the boot tape to the swap space works. Just to boot the
miniroot afterwards doesn't...
Interestingly, I get different errors from the bootrom prompt,
depending on what drive I connect.
When I attach a 640MB Seagate Wren2 drive, there is just a
scsi: timeout
scsi: no such controller on scsi bus
scsi: no such controller on scsi bus
after the b sd command
With a Quantum ProDrive 85S, I get
scsi: timeout
sd: error 70 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 20 0 0
sd: error 70 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 20 0 0
If I disconnect the Emulex controller with the QIC24 tape
drive from the bus, I also get the "no such controller..."
message with the Quantum drive...?
Interestingly, I also can't seem to be able to set the
first bit of the scsi ID on any drive connected to the bus,
so I never get to have an sd3 (although the miniroot stuff
etc. also seems to work automagically when the disk is sd4
or sd6 - doesn't matter when trying to boot, by the way).
The cable looks fine, as far as I have seen.
Any ideas, what I can do short of just throwing all the
stuff on the next junk pile? Anyone with a spare "sun3
scsi" controller?