Subject: Re: Sun 3/80
To: None <>
From: Brad Spencer <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 03/19/2000 12:13:41
a free serial port on your pc. this all runs at 9600 baud iirc. simply run
minicom and tell it to use whichever tty you plugged it into... no need to dial,
the information will just show right up in minicom.. you will need to know how
to 'break', on a pc in minicom, this is done with either alt-k or another key
sequence which i don't remmeber off the top of my head.. this should get you
going. good luck. and yes, netbsd will netboot on this configuration if you
hvae the proper networking hardware (a hub, a 10BaseT transeiver, some cat5)
.oO Gnea [gnea at rochester dot rr dot com] Oo.
.oO You Are Elle Oo.
"You can tune a filesystem, but you can't tuna fish."
Or simply a properly configured 'cu' set up for direct connect. ~# will
get you a real break. Used this sort of thing for years.
Brad Spencer -
[finger for PGP public key]