Subject: Re: What releases of early sun3 NetBSD on 3/160.
To: None <>
From: Curt Sampson <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 03/08/2000 01:12:31
On 7 Mar 2000 wrote:
> The odd thing is, it doesn't even seem to be a broadcast.
No, I shouldn't think it is, since the sparc port does a broadcast
bootparamd request, and this works basically instantly. I think it
makes a lot of sense to try the tftp server address first, though,
as I suspect the broadcasts may be part of the many problems I've
had with netbooting stuff in this manner before.
Better, really, would be to set things up to use DHCP or BOOTP, I
think; I've always found bootparamd to be a pain. (Though I've no
objection to leaving bootparamd boots in as an option.)
Curt Sampson <> 917 532 4208
«Quand on veut un mouton, c'est la preuve qu'on existe.»