Subject: Re: Anyone have a later snapshot than 19990518?
To: Todd Whitesel <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 12/03/1999 10:48:18
> >On Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 01:35:27PM -0500, NetBSD Bob wrote:
> >> Out of curiosity, anyone have anything later for sun3 than the May 18
> >> snapshot? If so, can a new snapshot be put up in the arch tree?
> >
> >My 3/60 is running a 'make build' rigth now. When it's done (in about 5 days :)
> >I can build a snapshot. I suspect this will take some more days ...
> My 3/60 finished a base snapshot (no X, only GENERIC) from 19991110 sources
> earlier this week, but I haven't done any sanity checks on it. I'll try to
> bring it in tomorrow to upload if anyone wants to email me an FTP spot.
I would hope all snaps go into the arch tree in the cannonical site?
> The same machine is currently grinding up to 19991129, which is where most
> of my other machines are at, and are working on 2nd and 3rd stage builds
> (so I can see if the toolchain and such are stable).
Kudos! I await its mysteries with baited breath.... etc...
I tried the port of October from the Japanese archive, last night on my
3/110 and 3/260, and it blew up on both. The 3/110 complained about
a console error 20 and the 3/260 hit an incompatible opcode and just halted.
That was loading the netbsd.rd kernel. The boot worked tho, from tape.
So that NBSD folks don't feel lonely, my 4/260 crate blows up on OBSD26,
with the infamous si_dma_scsi timeouts, ad nauseum, and also in adduser
dumps perl.core. Next to find a current sparc snap from NBSD and try that.
What gives with these ancient dinosaurs...... they are such neato toyz,
yet so hard to get stoked up. We gotta get that collectively fixed.....
Thanks all....