Subject: Re: SunOS binaries on m68k platforms.
To: Sune Stjerneby <>
From: None <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 06/28/1999 12:36:09
On Mon, 28 Jun 1999, Sune Stjerneby wrote:
> Hi,
> What do I need to do in order to run SunOS binaries on my m68k-based NetBSD
> machines? I have the complete SunOS 4.1.1 distribution extracted and setup
> all the compat-stuff, but to no avail - binaries die instantly whether static
> or dynamic. I'll be picking up some actual Sun3's next week - are these
> the only boxen which, under NetBSD, will run SunOS binaries?
> I've tried on '040 Amigas, NeXTs and Mac boxen, all running NetBSD 1.4.
You can only run SunOS binaries which are compiled for m68k (ie sun3)
machines on NetBSD m68k machines. If you have SunOS-sparc binaries, you
need a NetBSD sparc machine. Thats said, I've never tried to run a sun3
binary under NetBSD m68k, but I'm running SunOs-sparc netscape binaries on
my NetBSD/sparc machine.