Subject: Problems Mounting RH 5.2 ext2 partition on a NetBSD Sun3
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 06/08/1999 10:37:35
Thanks to all who replied to my "Two disks on a Sun 3/60 query.

Now can anyone please help with the following?

I have NetBSD 1.3.2 running on a Sun 3/60 and I want to mount some file systems
from my PII laptop running RH 5.2.
I carried out the following procedure without success.

1. placed the file systems I wish to export in the /etc/exports file on the
linux box (PC453)

2. placed the following entries in the /etc/fstab file on the NetBSD box.

     PC453:/usr/local/sun3    /mnt/sun3  nfs  ro   0    0
     PC453:/mnt/cdrom         /mnt/cdrom      nfs  ro   0    0

This sun3 fails to mount the file systems at boot time.

The following command also fails

     mount -t nfs PC453:/usr/local/sun3 /mnt/sun3

with the error message

     portmap: RPC program not registered.

I believe this to be a problem on the linux box as I have successfuly mounted
file systems from SunOS and Solaris machines on the same NetBSD box. I have not
had a good response from the RH Linux lists so I thought I might try here in
case anybody has had a similar experience.

thanks to any respondents
