Subject: Sun 3/50 diskless experiences
To: None <>
From: Brad Spencer <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 06/07/1999 20:37:15
Some time ago, someone on the LIST asked if the Sun 3/50s still had the
"everything core dumps" problem.
After much fiddling about, I got a disk or diskless 1.4_ALPHA version [ya,
I know, a little old, but it takes a long time to compile up an entire
tree] running on a Sun 3/50, Sun 3/80 and a Mac IIcx.
Both the Sun 3/50 and 3/80 worked pretty well diskless. Only one incident
of core dumping occured on the 3/50, and that might have been related to
running out of VM. The Sun 3/50 managed to compile up its own kernel
which is something that it couldn't really do before when running
I did notice something that should be a heads-up at least. The proc
filesystem LKM needs the symbol _SUN3_ or _SUN3X_ defined before that
particular LKM will compile. At the 1.4_ALPHA time frame, this was
defined by a include at kernel compile time and isn't defined normally.
Further, while the MFS LKM seems to work fine between the Sun 3 and Sun
3x, I don't think that this will work in every case. I never tried using
the LKMs compiled on the Mac IIcx on the Suns, although the entire
userland, otherwise, seemed to work fine [including 'ps' and friends] and
was used to bootstrap the Sun 3/80 into place.
Brad Spencer -
[finger for PGP public key]