Subject: Re: Connecting two disk units to a Sun 3/60
To: None <>
From: Richard Ingram <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 06/07/1999 16:25:23
> I cannot see any selctors for the SCSI id anywhere on the disk units and
> presume that I will have to open these up and change a link somewhere. Am I
> wrong? If I am correct does anyone have any info on carrying this out?
OK the best bet is to take the lid off anyway and see what make of HD's they
are. I have two seagate WREN 1.2GB's daisy chained off my Sun3/60, and you have
to set jumpers on the disk.
I also have an old Hitachi 1.2GB disk and you can set the SCSI id from the
external box, it all depends on the drive.
Most HD makers will carry the old data sheets on their sites so you should have
no problem.
> Assuming that I overcome this problem, is there much administration to be
> carried out to make use of the extra unit?
I can't remember now what I did, it was about 14mnths ago!
Hope it was of some help,