Subject: Re: NetBSD-1.3.3 port available for sun-3 boxen?
To: None <>
From: J. Maynard Gelinas <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/14/1999 19:27:43
Boy, it sure would have saved me some time if I'd had recent binaries
to install instead of having to figure out lib and kernel dependency
issues by asking stupid questions on the list. :-^ <*cough!*>
Unless 1.3.3 supports the new 1.3I UVM kernel I'd recommend to Robert
that he just recompile to -current. I had poor results with 1.3.2 and the
distribution kernel, and anyway it doesn't support a color framebuffer.
I'm just going to recompile everything up to -current... Maybe I should
arrange to upload the binaries to incoming? I notice there's no -current
release for the 3 or 3x over at
> I would expet it means the person who comitted to buulding the
> sun3 images did not manage to complete the build in time.
> I wqould definitely expect there to be a sun3 entry in the 1.4
> release (whenever that comes). In the meantime 1.3.2 is probably
> your best bet.
> David/absolute
> -=- "Give me one last video, just dressed in black" -=-
> On Thu, 14 Jan 1999, Robert D. Keys wrote:
> > Is there a sun-3 port for the NetBSD-1.3.3? I did not see such a tree
> > in the archives. Does that mean there won't be a sun3 port?
> >
> > Bob Keys
> >