Subject: Re: netboot question
To: Gordon Ross <>
From: Brian <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 11/02/1998 00:08:51
> Sorry about that. Shoulda tested with a 3/50.
> > 2. Did all 3/50's come with an FPU?
> No. Most did not.
That's ok. I later cracked open the 511 enclosure that came with the
beast, only to find their was no hard drive in it! Just a tape drive and
like two circuit cards, which I assume are part of the power circutry and
tape drive. So I had no where to put the OS anyways :(. I grabbed the
xkernel package and I am using that in the mean time, but if I get my
hands on a cheap scsi drive, I may just install netbsd.
Brian Feeny (BF304) | ShreveNet Inc. - Premium Internet Service Provider
Network Administrator | Shreveport, Louisiana - | Web Hosting, Virtual Domains, Storefronts,
(318)222-2NET x 109 | Database/Web Integration, 56k, ISDN, T1