Subject: mousepad
To: None <>
From: Brian <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 11/01/1998 02:13:48
I printed out that .ps file of a Sun3 mousepad, and it doesn't work for me
at all. Has anyone had any luck with it? Also on the Sun3 Mouse there
are two holes on the bottom and one has the red light in it. What is the
other hole used for? If you open the mouse, both have lights hooked up to
them, but only one hole radiates light.
Brian Feeny (BF304) | ShreveNet Inc. - Premium Internet Service Provider
Network Administrator | Shreveport, Louisiana - | Web Hosting, Virtual Domains, Storefronts,
(318)222-2NET x 109 | Database/Web Integration, 56k, ISDN, T1