Subject: Re: sun3 usefullness....
To: Keith Woodworth <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sun3
Date: 03/09/1998 16:57:34
> Also what kind of functionality can I get out of these 3/60's?

Pretty much anything, provided you don't ask for too much of it. :-)  I
know of one place that's using a -3/50 as their main server machine
(this is a small company, obviously, and the box does have the memory
expansion daughterboard installed).

> I was thinking maybe an ftp server using wu-ftp.  And possibly a
> local mail server as now the public library where these are going
> will have a static IP and soon its own domain.  I can stuff 24 megs
> of ram into one machine.

Should be able to handle either or both of those, provided the loads
don't go too high.  My main mail server at home is a Sun-3/260, which
isn't all that much faster than a -3/60, and it handles a hundred
messages a day no problem, and could probably handle a thousand a day
without crumpling, provided they didn't all attack it at once :-)

> How bout an http server?  The local page gets about 50 hits/day on a
> good day.  Or is that just too much for a lowly 3/60?

50 hits a *day*?!  That's nothing.  Even the very slowest machine
NetBSD runs on (which is probably one of the HP 9000/300 boxen, a
68020/16.66667 box (I have one, a 9000/319 I think it is)) could surely
handle 50 hits a day.  After all, that gives you nearly half an hour to
serve each hit, on average - I think user impatience will be more of a
problem than overloading the server.

					der Mouse

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