Subject: Type 5 kbd on 3/60 and X116.3
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Fredrik Lundholm <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 12/05/1997 10:08:21
I just found an adapter-cable here at work that lets me plug in 
Type-4/5 keyboards to my 3/60. I run NetBSD 1.2. However X116.3 complains 
about unsupported mapping and dies. I thougt that X should pose the 
LEAST problems with a Type 5 keyboard. 
If I toggle the first switch on the keyboard it kicks in, 
but without numlock/arrow-key support.
xkeycaps is also unable to 'restore Type 5 mapping'. 

Could someone point me to an explanation on this matter please?
I know this must have come up before but my six month backlog of 
port-sun3 didn't help..

Fredrik Lundholm