Subject: Sun3/60 Success!
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Richard Ingram <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 09/08/1997 12:52:17
Just a quick note of thanks to the people who helped me get my Sun3/60 working
with NetBSD. After a couple of weeks off I managed to get the machine up and
running last night (well this morning at 3:00 !!).

The only drawback is I have not set up the networking, ie I skipped that
section of the install as my Linux box is not networked up yet. I suppose
setting up the networking bits at a later date is another black art ?? Bit like
my non standard install! Looks like a rummage around the documentation will be
called for. Now all thats left to do is get X working with fvwm and emacs for a
usable system.

Has anyone got a comprehensive list of what packages are out there for
NetBSD/Sun3 ??


