Subject: Re: disks and 3/xxx's...
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: Tom Trebisky <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 05/31/1997 14:52:38
> I think you may have explained why I couldn't get my 3/60 to boot
> from its external disk. What ID's would it boot from?
Well, mine was a 3/160, but here is what I found from my notes:
SCSI drive jumpered as target 1
b sd(0,4,0) -as
It has been a while, but it seems that the -a switch asks some
questions about how and what to boot, I am not sure that I could
ever get it to boot off this target without the -a. -s of course
does single user. It was fine booting from sd(0,0,0) for target 0.
And of course now target 1 boots fine as sd(0,8,0) now that I burned
the newer rev rom.
Tom Trebisky Steward Observatory University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721
(520) 621-5135