Subject: NetBSD current kernel compilationproblem II
To: sun3x <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Nick Brok <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 03/29/1997 08:34:54
I mentioned earlier a problem with the NetBSD current source tree on the
I've redone it to get the errormessage, and this it is:

cpp -P -traditional -nostdinc -I. -I../../../../arch -I../../../.. -undef -D__NetBSD__ -Dm68k -Dmc68000 -D_KERNEL -Dmc68020 -Dsun3x -DEXEC_AOUT -DEXEC_SCRIPT -DSWAPPAGER -DVNODEPAGER -DDEVPAGER -DKTRACE -DDDB -DSYMTAB_SPACE="0x1c000" -DFFS -DNFS -DCD9660 -DFDESC -DKERNFS -DNULLFS -DPROCFS -DUNION -DMFS -DNFSSERVER -DFIFO -DINET -DTCP_COMPAT_42 -DNFS_BOOT_RWSIZE="0x400" -DCOMPAT_SUNOS -DCOMPAT_43 -DCOMPAT_12 -DUCONSOLE -DMAXUSERS=30 -D_LOCORE ../../../../arch/sun3x/sun3x/locore.s > locore.s ; as -m68030 -o locore.o locore.s ; rm locore.s
locore.s: Assembler messages:
locore.s:203: Error: "instruction/operands mismatch" -- Statement 'pmove a0@,tt0' ignored
locore.s:242: Error: "instruction/operands mismatch" -- Statement 'pmove sp@,tt0' ignored
*** Error code 1


It seems to me that as don't know anything about the register (???) tt0....
How can i Solve this?


Nick Brok
Embedded controller coordinator HCC 68000 GG and student Computer
Tel. +31-40-2528917                          Berliozlaan 1
		                             5654 SM Eindhoven
Email:                         The Netherlands