Subject: Re: Edlabel...?
To: David H West <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sun3
Date: 02/20/1997 08:05:09
> I am installing onto a 312mb disk. Using edlabel, I (or thought I)
> had partitioned the disk into a(root) b(swap) and c(rest of disk).
This will not work as you expect. On the sun3 port, the c partition
(or more precisely RAW_PART) is _always_ the whole disk; I think this
is true regardless what the disklabel says.
> a partition is 15 blocks, b is 120 blocks, and c is the
> rest(whatever, should be like slightly over 200 megs.
Do you really mean "blocks" for the a and b sizes? When partitioning
disks, a "block" is a 512-byte disk sector, which would give you seven
and a half kilobytes for a. That's not even enough to make a
filesystem in.
However, it doesn't sound that way, because you say that "the rest" is
"slightly over 200 megs" on a 312 meg disk.
> I copied the miniroot into the swap partition, rebooted, and began to
> install. Everything was cruising along until tar began aborting all
> extractions due to "no disk free space".
This sounds to me as though your partitions are too small. Try using
disklabel to print out the partition table on the drive once the
miniroot is up.
Also, don't try to make the c partition anything but the whole disk.
> "print" under edlabel showed the partitions of types:
> 4.2BSD (for root)
> swap (for swap)
> unknown (for the disk) even though I entered 4.2BSD under edlabel.
This is more or less normal. The sun3 port tends to use
SunOS-compatible disk labels (and in fact it more or less must, for a
boot disk), and they don't have partition types. So the disk label
compatability code makes them up, saying "swap" for b, "unknown" for c,
and "4.2BSD" for all the rest.
What machine did you run edlabel on? You might try my sunlabel program
instead, or as well....
der Mouse
7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39 4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B