Subject: Re: X11R6 diffs for Sun3 port
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 02/15/1997 15:28:57
|> Where do the diffs to apply to X11R6.1 and do a make world with no
|> hassles live?
|/local/src/X11/TRANSCRIPT on my home machine. :-) I'll be glad to mail
|a copy to anyone who mails me privately asking for one.
I'm making XFree86-3.2 diffs for NetBSD/sun3.
(NetBSD/sparc is already supported by XFree86...)
I'm using NetBSD machines which are i386, sparc and sun3,
and trying to compile X11 on the each arch machine
from the same source tree. I think it is reasonable and useful.
But I'm wondering how can imake detect `Sun3Architecture'
in Imake.tmpl. On NetBSD/sun3, gcc only defines `m68k', `mc68020'
and so on but it does not define `sun3'.
All NetBSD/sparc machines are `SparcArchitecture' machine,
but not all NetBSD/m68k machines are `Sun3Architecture.'
Are there any good idea?
Izumi Tsutsui Nagoya University, JAPAN