Subject: X11R6 diffs for Sun3 port
To: Stan Voket <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sun3
Date: 02/14/1997 18:49:54
> Where do the diffs to apply to X11R6.1 and do a make world with no
> hassles live?
/local/src/X11/TRANSCRIPT on my home machine. :-) I'll be glad to mail
a copy to anyone who mails me privately asking for one.
- Start with X11R6.1p1.
- Add sun3->Sun3Architecture to config/cf/
- Fix up rationalize ServerOSDefines/ServerExtraDefines, and
fix an assumption that only i386en and sparcs run NetBSD.
- Some site-specific things: set ProjectRoot to a bogon, specify all
the paths, set CompressCmd to compress|cat to make mkfontdir work,
turn off HasSharedLibraries to make linking work, turn on
- Add a sun3 define to config/imake/imakemdep.h.
- Fix programs/Xserver/hw/sun/sunCfb.c's assumption that only i386en
and sparcs run NetBSD, and get the include path right for sun3.
- Fix programs/Xserver/hw/sun/sunFbs.c's _MAP_NEW test.
- Convince it that non-XFree86 machines may have -lcrypt.
- Fix programs/Xserver/include/servermd.h's use of some machine
selection preprocessor symbols.
- Make config/makedepend/main.c work on systems where st_size is not
the correct type to pass as the third argument of read().
- Fix programs/rgb/Imakefile to realize that BSD_44_DBM can exist on
non-BSD386Architecture machines.
- Fix lib/X11/Xlib.h and lib/Xau/Xauth.h so client code compiles with
full prototype warnings turned on.
der Mouse
7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39 4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B