Subject: Sun 3/60 Video
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/30/1997 10:55:33
  I've got a Sun3/50 running NetBSD but have a line on a 3/60 with more 
  memory and a color card.  Since I have been forbidden to add any more 
  computers at home ;) I want to swap out the 3/50.
  I've also got a line on some large color monitors within driving distance 
  and I'd like to get a little background before trying to put the two 
  responses can go directly to me since this isn't really a NetBSD issue 
  but rather hardware.  If anyone would like I can consolidate the 
  responses and post it here or mail it direct.
  I checked out the Sun Hardware FAQ but it just mentions the existence of 
  a color buffer (switchable to mono and hi/lo resolution).  The guy with 
  the monitors has a mish-mash of different units with different cabling.  
  Most have been hooked up to Suns before tho and he has a 3/270 running 
  (if that uses the same type) to test it on.
  Does the 3/60 color take RGB+sync? or sync on green? I'm over my head 
  there since I only have mono at home :) so any info is helpful!
  I know the resolutions of these buffers but could someone also pass on 
  their color limits?  I'm not expecting 24bit/20" color for a couple 
  hundred bucks but its more than 16 colors right? ;)