Subject: Re: NetBSD/sun3x
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/18/1997 04:17:12
|After nearly a year of research and design discussions, we (Gordon Ross
|and Jeremy Cooper) are pleased to announce that the NetBSD port to the
|Sun3X architecture has reached a major milestone. The current
|kernel boots up to the point just before mounting the root filesystem.
|At this stage it is stable enough to facilitate the development device
My friend Tsubai Masanari is also porting NetBSD to Sun3/80 by himself.
His kernel is now booting up on Sun3/80, and SCSI (esp) and
ethernet (le) are already working well. The kernel binary and
sources are available on the following web page:
The web server host is the Sun3/80, running his version NetBSD/sun3x.
There are few documents about source codes, because
we are not so good at English composition. (Sorry.)
According to Masanari's description;
* Based on 1.2 Release source tree.
* Running only 3/80. (not 3/4xx)
* SCSI (esp), ethernet (le), serial (zs) and bwtwo are working now,
and other P4 flamebuffers should work easily.
* VME devices not supported (yet). (3/80 doesn't have them, anyway...)
* Kernel crash dump not implimented (yet).
* IOMAPPER codes are incomplete. (lack of the device information...)
* pmap, vm, trap, locore.s etc. were ported from hp300.
* esp.c, dma.c were ported from sparc.
* His kernel is now running for two or three weeks. (as http server etc.)
I think his sources are not compatible with current sun3x's sources,
but porting device drivers should be easy.
Izumi Tsutsui Nagoya University, JAPAN