Subject: Re: Sun 3/60 [NetBSD 1.2] keeps on booting.
To: der Mouse <mouse@Holo.Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Erik E. Fair <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/14/1997 06:18:01
I have three 3/60's with 24 megs of RAM.

One is dormant, running SunOS 4.1.1 from an ancient 150MB CDC disk when I
need it (haven't needed it in over a year; should find some other use for
this beastie).

Another is dormant because one of the two 600MB disks attached to it has
probably died. Occasionally, I netboot it from the last one, which has run
24x7 for quite some time:

 6:09AM  up 75 days,  9:48, 2 users, load averages: 0.11, 0.09, 0.08

This is, running NetBSD 1.1, with the SCSI options
whacked to 3, and only one 1GB Fujitsu M2266 disk. This system gets very
light use - lots of ssh, a little SMTP (a letter every other day?), NTP,
DNS. Occasionally when this guy boots, he gets into the "everything core
dumps" shtick, but I boot him again (and again), until he behaves. Usually
no more than twice or three times.

The aforementioned netboot candidate ( does the
"everything core dumps" thing almost invariably. Of course, I've NFS
mounted /usr read-only, where the shared libraries live...

I hate shared libraries precisely because they can cause global mayhem like
this. The interesting question is - if we linked everything static, where
would this error go? Mysteriously dying processes? Random file corruption?

	another data point,
