Subject: Re[2]: SCSI disk setup for NetBSD on Sun 3/150
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 12/30/1996 16:37:37
>>No. sunlabel ought to create perfectly good big-endian labels even on
>>little-endian machines, though I haven't been able to test it (yet).
>>And the miniroot image is just an octet stream.
>>Endianism would play a role only if you were trying to actually
>>construct a filesystem on the little-endian machine - for exmaple, if
>>you were trying to use a NetBSD/i386 machine to newfs and extract the
>>tarballs. Then you _would_ have endian problems.
>I've succesfully used your sunlabel program, and a canned miniroot to
>create a NetBSD/sparc boot disk from a NetBSD/i386 machine. It was
>actually pretty easy. Thanks for this utility, it's saved me a couple
>of times. 8-)
So... if my labels are OK but all I need to do is newfs my disk, I can do
this on a PC based *nix system? It would be oh so easy for me to pop the
drive in and do a CD based boot of Redhat at work (just runs off the CD
and boot disks). Then I should be able to newfs the sucker and go from
there. I can tapeboot just fine at home but that doesn't include newfs
:(. At that point I can dd it from the tape drive. Why oh why isn't
newfs available in the tape boot media (asking innocently but completely
ignorantly ;) I can disklabel all I like but without newfs yer kinda
stuck. I don't wanna be whiny, I'm just curious.