Subject: More on everything dumps core
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 11/24/1996 01:57:09

  I have had my system(s) up for some months now.
  [latour.sandelman is a 16Mb sun3 with CG4, 660Mb drive, runs X, twm,
has /users/mcr, and does backups. amaterasu.sandelman is a 24Mb sun3,
broken keyboard, serial console, 1Gb disk runs everything else]
  I just rebuilt the kernel, 1.2B, first time since Aug 29. I had been

NetBSD amaterasu 1.2_BETA NetBSD 1.2_BETA (AMATERASU) #7: Thu Aug 29 14:08:29 ED
T 1996     mcr@amaterasu:/w/netbsd/src/sys/arch/sun3/compile/AMATERASU sun3

  I started running 

NetBSD 1.2B (AMATERASU) #9: Wed Nov 20 00:05:30 EST 1996

  on Thursday afternoon (I had important things to do)
  I do not think I rebooted since then, but wtmp got trimed already. 
  I came home tonight to "everything dumps core"

  The Aug 29'th sup had overwritten my si.c that set si_options to 7
with 1. I never fixed it again (didn't realize it had been reset until
I noticed it when I switch installed latour in September). Oh, we got
DMA, I'll fix it later.

  The Wed Nov 20 kernel, I fixed up the flags, set si_options to 7.

  Gordon is this a clue? I'm running my Aug 29'th kernel while I
rebuild with si_options = 5. I suspect DMA completion interrupts. Does
this make any sense?
  More swapping means more disk activity. Maybe we are missing an
splx() in some PMAP list manipulation code? Then a disk fill of a page
fills the wrong page?
  I started a new kernel compile (since I noticed a whole bunch of
arch/sun3/dev/ changes in -current) before I went out.

  p.s: I'd like repeat my offer of compiled stuff. See for my list.

   :!mcr!:            |  Network security consulting and 
   Michael Richardson |      contract programming
 WWW: PGP key available.

Version: 2.6.2i


p.p.s: my si_options=5 kernel just finished. This should be up to date
as of Nov 22 07:29:48 1996. Sup'ing again just to see what else has
come in. no sun3 stuff. Reboot.