Subject: Re: Booting NetBSD for a Diskless Sun 3/60 from Linux Box
To: Robert Rusek <>
From: Elijah Wright <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 10/25/1996 11:44:37
At 10:45 AM 10/25/96 EDT, you wrote:
>After getting it's IP address through RARP and loading its NETBOOT
>image via TFTP, the NETBOOT loader requires a rpc.BOOTPARAMD to get its
>location of kernel file.
>Has anyone done this successfully? What needs to be done on the
>Linux side to get it to reply to the "WHOAMI" rpc.bootparam request.
You need rpc.bootparamd for Linux. Get the Xkernel package from in the pub/Linux/ directories. system/Networking, I think.
Follow the instructions. Rpc.bootparamd is often quite troublesome to
recompile. I have an elf and an a.out version at home that I can send you
if you want. Lance Tost ( i think ) used to have them on his web page.