Subject: Re: 3/60 SCSI Problem
To: der Mouse <mouse@Holo.Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Erik E. Fair <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 10/23/1996 00:56:33
At 14:51 -0700 10/22/96, der Mouse wrote:
>> Every so often, I take a can of compressed air, and blow out the dust
>> from the fan exhaust on the bottom of my 3/60, and along the back and
>> sides of the beast (under that plastic cover is a metal case with
>> louvered air intakes.
>That just blows the dust back into the machine. You really should open
>it up and vacuum all that gunk out of there. (Depending on which
>flavor of -3/60 you have, getting into the power supply is between
>trivial and tough after you get the top off.)
I know, but it's the best I can do without a complete disasembly of the
unit, which I am loathe to do, given its age and likely sensitivity to such
manhandling. The units I have seem to have been designed such that the
plastic case is entirely decorative, and there is a metal case that is
quite impressive, just underneath. Not something I would really like to
take apart...