Subject: Re: Pricing...
To: Julian Bean <>
From: Rick Kelly <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 09/24/1996 20:49:46
Julian Bean said:
>I wouldn't go above $75 for a 3/60 with Colour Monitor (less if it has no
>RAM), less if it is mone. A 3/50 - around $30? Maybe $20 without monitor
>or $40 with - these machines require a fair degree of technical expertise
>to earn their keep (XKernels are your best bet). I'm not entirely sure
>what I'd give for the more powerful Sun3s - I don't think I'd go over $100
>for any, myself.
In the Boston area, I have a bunch of 3/50s that are pretty much free for
the taking. They each have a monitor and keyboard/mouse, and 8 or 12
megs of memory. No mouse pads. I also have a 3/140 diskless (no scsi
>For SLC/ELCs, I would say in the $100-200 range. The trick is to pick them
>off companys which are doing clearouts... they have little market value
>really (almost exclusively to NetBSD users, in fact ;-)
Sun is giving companies $1500-$1800 trade-in for SLC/ELCs and Sun 4c
>Of course, YMMV. I have seen stupidly high (IMO) prices on
>comp.sys.sun.{wanted,hardware} - which are good places to look for pricing
>info at least.
On the other hand, I didn't feel at all silly buying a Sparc 2 with 32
megs of memory, a 1 gig drive, a cdrom drive, and a 17" color monitor
for $3200, refurbished and warranteed for one year. After all, I might
have wasted my money on a flimsy, fast depreciating Pentium nightmare. :-)
Rick Kelly