Subject: SUMMARY Re: faster Sun3s
To: Mark Newton <>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 09/14/1996 12:14:28
  Well, no, speeding up my 3/60 was not something I felt was worth the effort.

  A 40Mhz HP425 or other 40+Mhz Amiga or Mac was what I was thinking
of. Many suggested this. Do you have one for sale? 

  Yes, buying a 486/586 gives the best price/performance index... but I then
have to recompile all my stuff, which means I might as well chuck my the 3/60
that isn't my console, and move all the disks to the P5.
  I *like* my 3/60s. I've had fewer problems with them over six years
of ownership than I've had with PC-style hardware at various
workplaces. Completely PCI systems (more than three PCI slots; scsi,
video, ethernet, sound) still cost too much.
  Thus, my interest in the UDB Alpha system; it was complete. Except that 
I do not think I want a *third* CPU type at home, so buy-buy
sun3. Like, I don't have problems backing everything up on 250Mb tapes
as it is :-) 
  Oh, well, my major performance problem was with exmh, and I've just
given up on that and went back to mh-e... Emacs isn't slow on sun3.