Subject: Re: panic: cannot mount root
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
List: port-sun3
Date: 06/15/1996 06:42:52
> mainbus0 (root)
> obctl0 at mainbus0
> idprom0 at obctl0 hostid 0x1300...
> fpu0 at mainbus0 (mc68881)
> obmem0 at mainbus0
> bwtwo0 at obmem0 addr 0xff000000 (1152x900)
> obio0 at mainbus0
> zs0 at obio0 addr 0x20000 level 6 softpri 3
> zs1 at obio0 addr 0x0 level 6 softpri 3
> eeprom0 at obio0 addr 0x40000
> clock0 at obio0 addr 0x60000 level 5
> ie0 at obio0 addr 0xc0000 level 3 hwaddr 08:00:20:...
> vmes0 at mainbus0
> vmel0 at mainbus0
> rd0 at mainbus0
> rd1 at mainbus0
> root on sd0a
> swap on sd0b
> dump on sd0b
> panic: cannot mount root
Notice the complete lack of any boot-time location of sd0. No wonder
it can't find sd0a (or sd0b). There isn't even any scsi interface
What sort of scsi interface does the machine have? NetBSD/sun3 doesn't
(yet) support the sc controller; I've been sort of working on that, but
it's going slowly (largely because my sun3 source tree doesn't build at
der Mouse