Subject: Using Linux to serve a diskless NetBSD Sun 3/60 [The saga contin
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jeff Rhyason <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 05/27/1996 12:24:14
IMMENSE THANKS to everyone who has helped me previously.  I'd like to 
summarize for anyone who is trying to do this.

Hi!  Guess what?  It mostly works!  I figured out what the problems 
were.  There is something silly with rpc.nfsd on the Slackware Linux 
2.1 CD; so I compiled and installed the one from the Xkernel source 
and it worked flawlessly.  No "permission denied" problems.
or anything.

On some Linux systems, rpc.bootparamd will not compile; this is easy 
to fix.  I don't know exactly what the problems with Linux and this 
are, but using another UNIX's rpcgen seems to solve the problem.  
(Compile the code on another machine, copy all the products to the 
Linux machine, then remove anything regarding rpcgen from the 
Makefile, make clean, and make).

/sbin/init will never run when UIDs are being quashed; so it is best 
to run in "insecure" mode and/or "no_root_quash".  I also found that 
it is a good idea to remake the devices when the machine boots, to 
prevent some permissions problems (Linux doesn't have an "operator" 
group of the same uid as BSD by default).  

The other things which are integral are obvious, but I just forgot
them; to edit /etc/* to be appropriate, including setting up an
fstab (from fstab.nfs) as well as a hosts* and "myname" which
accurately reflects the names and IP addresses.  

The other thing I had to do to avoid some problems was to add a few 
more megs of memory.  It is best to put the faster memory in the 
first slots, and slower Sun memory last (I found that it will not 
test correctly otherwise).

I am still trying to get the swapfile to work; if you can help I 
would love it!  I'll include exports, and bootparams for you.  
Thanks tonnes!


bootparams: root= \

I created the swapfile with 
	dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=16k count=1024
	on the Sun.
