Subject: more about X and shared libraries
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 05/20/1996 19:16:43
  More clues: startx fails too. The difference? I was in single user
mode before when I tested....

  # kill 1
  # startx
  ... nope.
  # halt
  > b -s
  # startx
  ... nope.

  I get "file not found"
  ldd has no problems finding all the pieces. (Sorry, I can not cut
and paste from this machine)

  There *is* a /dev/zero.
  Other notes: I dump'ed/restore'ed my NetBSD/sun3 system to make this
system and then downloaded etc.tar.gz and extracted it again.
  My system does run xterm and Xemacs, but not Xsun. (no working keyboard)

   :!mcr!:            |  Cow#1: Are you worried about getting Mad Cow Disease?
   Michael Richardson |  Cow#2: No. I'm a duck.
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