Subject: How stable is NetBSD on a sun3?
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kees Jan Koster <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 05/20/1996 09:41:40
Hoi NetBSD-port-sun3,

I was wondering how stable NetBSD would be for my faithful sun3. How does
it compare to SunOS 4.1.1?

An unrelated question. The monitor of my sun is slowly dying :(. Lately the
image randomly contracts and expands and I fear that I need to build a new
power supply.
  1) Is this the power supply giving in, do I need a new one?
  2) What are the output specifications of a power supply?
  3) Where should I really be asking these quiestions :)

I own a sun3/60 with 8Mb ram and 140Mb disk space (more available via NFS).

Please mail me directly, I'm not subscribed to your list.

    Kees Jan

Kees Jan Koster                   e-mail:
Van Somerenstraat 50              tel: NL-24-3234708
6521 BS  Nijmegen
         the Netherlands
 Who is this general Failure and why is he reading my disk?  (anonymous)