Subject: A few questions about NetBSD on a Sun3
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: A.Arnold <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 05/10/1996 16:22:53
Hello altogether,

I am quite new to NetBSD and this list, so hopefully I do not bother anyone
with questions that have been asked a thousand times before...

A week or so ago, I successfully installes NetBSD 1.1 on my Sun3.  It is a
Sun 3/60 with 8MBytes RAM, 340MBytes HD (about 40M swap) and an old QIC-24
Wangtek streamer recycled from a broken 3/280.  The systems seems to work
fine basically, but a few questions are open:

1. Why do the cursor keys not generate any characters when the system is in
   console mode (makes an editor a bit hard to use ;-) ?  They work in an xterm
   when X11R6 is running, and I also have access to a 3/160 with SunOS 4.0 .
   Under SunOS, the cursor keys work also in console mode.

2. The 3/60 has an option to plug in a 68030 instead of the original 68020
   CPU.  I soldered in the required socket and did the replacement.  The system
   still works fine, but without any speed improvement.  However, there should
   be one due to the 68030's additional data cache.  Could it be that NetBSD
   doesn't enable the cache?

3. In 2 out of 3 cases, X11R6 will immediately die after startup with xinit,
   xterm and xclock generating core dumps.  Once this has happened, further
   tries will result in an immediate coredump for xinit.  Even doing an 'ldd'
   for any X-based application will result in a signal 10 or 11 afterwards.
   I have to reboot the machine to get it back to its state before the first
   crash happened :-(  I do not think that my X binaries/libraries are cor-
   rupted, as I reinstalled them two or three times...

I hope there is a solution at least for the third problem.  Having a high-
resolution, 19 inch screen and using it as a text console is not that

Alfred Arnold

Alfred Arnold                                 Phone: +49 (2461) 61-2434
Zentralinstitut fuer Angewandte Mathematik    Fax  : +49 (2461) 61-6656
Forschungszentrum Juelich                     E-Mail:
D-52425 Juelich, Germany                      

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