Subject: Re: cgfour0 giving a BIG display with Xsun
To: None <mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
From: Scott Ellis <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 04/30/1996 17:48:26
In "Re: cgfour0 giving a BIG display with Xsun", der Mouse
<mouse@Collatz.McRCIM.McGill.EDU> wrote:
> >> The problem is, when I try and use Xsun, I get a BIG mono display
> >> which looks like it's made out of periods.
> With identical aspect ratios vertically and horizontally? I suspect
> what's happening is the server is mapping the bwtwo-equivalent and then
> treating it as though it's the cgtwo-equivalent. Then everything gets
> magnified by eight, because the server's idea of one pixel is actually
> the hardware's idea of eight pixels, and of course what the server
> thinks is one scanline gets displayed as eight scanlines.
Yes, that sounds exactly like what I am seeing. The magnification is
symmetric, but there is whitespace between 'pixels'.
> Was your server configured for NetBSD when it was built? I'm wondering
> if maybe the NetBSD driver for the cg4 maps things at different places
> than the SunOS one....
Yes, I'm using Xsun from the x11r6 p11 archives that Gordon Ross compiled,
and currently reside on, and Xsun does look as though it's
using cg4 just fine. I'm testing (or will be testing, once the compile
finishes!) removing bwtwo from the kernel, and moving cgfour to it's
address (ff000000), to see if that provides any different results.
// Scott Ellis // // //
// WARNING: This signature warps time and space in its vicinity //