Subject: kernel crashing in 1.1 on a 3/50
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Daniel Garcia <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 04/03/1996 13:55:09
I have a diskless sun 3/50 that seems to enjoy crashing randomly
with memory faults :/ Here's the dump that came off of the console
(the serial driver on the other end tends to drop bits):
Stopped at _Debugger+0x6trap type=0x8, code=155, v=0xc0cb071
kernel: MMU fault trap
pid = 2, pc = 004D8A, ps = 2700, sf= 0001, dfc = 0001
0 1 3 4 5 6 7dreg: 000
ag: 0C0CB071 0E006E74 0E0BDD8C 00000000 0EDA40 0ED57A3C 0ED579 0DFFFFFC
Kernel stack (0ED578E0):
D578E 0E085454 0ED579300000080 FFFFFF FFFFFFFF 000000 0E07E16A 0E0CA2A8
D5790000000000 0EDD8C 00000000 0ED540 0ED57A3C 00000001 0E120000 0E58C0
D57920: 0ED579F8 0E00417E 0000000800155 0C0CB071 000004 00000002 FFFFFF
D57940: FFFFFF 00000000 0E07E16A 0E08 00000000 0C0CB071 0E006E74 0E8C
D57960: 00000000 0E7A40 0ED57A30ED579F8 0DFFFFFC 000000 27000E00 4D8A08
D579801E6C0155 661A487A 0C0CB071 0C0CB1 0C0CB071 0C100067 004D92 0E004D
D579A0: 0E004D8E 0CB0FF 07FF0D 000F06BE 0067661A 00000036 000067 00000067
D579C0:0200000E004D88 00000000 00007C 0ED520 0E07E16AE0C1A94 00000002
579E0: 0006
D5:9F098 0E0C1A90ED5 0ED57A3C 0E07E160ED57A50 0E007BF4A94
D57A20: 0ED57A40 D57A3C 0E07E16A E16A 000000 00000018 0E086B6086B60
D540: 0ED57AF4 0E07E164 0E0CF6BD0000006 0ED57A64 0E005D7C 0E07E16A 00000002
D57A60: 00000000 0ED57A7C 0E007D60 0E07E16A 0000000F 00000000 00000000 0ED57A9C
D57A80: 0E07E0C4 0000000F 00000000 000001 0000000F 0E537400 00000007 0ED57AE0
D57AA0: 0E0852CA 00000F 0ED57AF4 00000000 00000000 00000018 00000000 00002104
D57AC0: 000000453BF00007 0ED57C98 00000000 0000000A 00000000 0E53BFF0
panic: MMU fault
kernelMMU fault trap+0x6trap type=8, code=0x155vxc007
rap during panic!
EMORY ERR! Status D8, DVMA-BIT 0, Ctext 1,
Vaddr: E08F58C, ddr: 00F58C, Type 0 0E08F354
kernel stop:er c to continue or g0o panic
Abort at 0E08433C
Vaddr: 0C03094Invalid Page Bus Error, PC fetch at 0FEF4FInlid Peus Error:
Vaddr: 0FC20InvaliPag uInvalid Pe s EroInIInInIIInvi
Any suggestions on what this may be or how i could get around it would be
greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
/Daniel Garcia/Soon to be PhD Student/ / /
/Linux Hacker/C Programmer for Hire /#include <disclaimer>/The Answer's 42/|
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|Kindness in thought leads to wisdom, kindness in speech leads to eloquence| /
| Kindness in action leads to love. -- Lao-Tsu, as quoted by Phil Pfieffer |/
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