Subject: Re: framebuffers
To: Chris Callanan <>
From: Heiko Krupp <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 02/23/1996 14:52:25

> i was just running xbench, and realized how slow my cg4 in my 3/60
> is...
> and i see that cg6s and even cg8s exist for the P4 bus.
> question is, are they worth it? and does netbsd have any plans to 
> support them??

I have a cg6 in my 3/60 and it's about 5-6 times faster than the cg4.
The cg4 hat about 11000XStones and the cg6 gave me 59000XStones. The 
scrolling was about 10 times faster. The cg6 is a nice card to have ;)

> Thanx
