Subject: RE: Vast piles of Workstations
To: 'Neal Harvey' <>
From: Eng-Teck Lee <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 02/16/1996 04:46:09
Given that it's not so difficult to get yourself a bunch of Sun3 CPUs
all networked together and sitting in an aesthetically pleasing pile,
might it not be possible to implement some sort of load-balancing
scheme? After all, it's an almost perfectly homogenous processing
environment so it should be reasonably simple to automate the
distribution of the workload even if only in a pretty huge-grained sort
of way. It should at least be possible to spread the compilation task
around - how about it Rick, volunteer to be the official port-sun3
kernel compiler?
This is a problem in the real world and that is distributed data =
processing. it's actually a very complex process of trying to assemble =
and break down components of program over several systems. I know =
people working on their Masters paper on this not to mention a few PhD =
students. The concept is somewhat straight forward but getting to that =
point is and will be a hard and long process. So don't expect it any =
time soon. =3D) (I'm an undergrad also, and well what do i know right? =
If it is indeed (as you claim) easy to get a hold a several Sun 3 =
systems, then it is just as easy to set up several servers and assign =
each one to a specific task hence giving true multitasking with no =
restrictions execpt those placed on it by hardware. I only have 1 which =
I'm still trying to set up, configure, and finding applications for it =
and so don't look at me =3D), An example of the above is what I do =
with my Sun 3/60, I'm basically using it as an x-client to my x-server =
under OS/2 (and to some extent Win95 like now). I also use it to =
program unix "stuff" for school, and hopefully at one point use it to =
compile and write my latex files as well. Inturn my current system is =
free to meet the high demands placed on it by me (ie I use it to surf =
the net, newsgroups, compile OS/2 or Win95 programs and still maintain a =
sense of a true multi-tasking environment and it is to some extent =
truely multi-platform also. =3D)
As a suggestion if you do get several of them I could use a new =
keyboard since my old one is dead. Otherwise the best suggestion is to =
get your Sun3s, beef up a couple of systems and use them as your severs, =
one as a file server and the other as your server for "compiling" things =
with, your work station can start up a remote xterm on each system and =
still share the same files by allowing the to share the File System. =
it's a bit tricky to set up but when you're done the only difference is =
if one system dies, you still have another to back it up or replace =
without any affect on the rest of your work (unless it was teh NFS =
itself). Think about it, if I had the room, money, and resources to get =
Sun3s then it's easy to have one interface system (it keyboard, monitor, =
mouse), and the rest stacked in the corner runnign along, althought it =
might be a good idea to give your local system it's own file system and =
teh remote ones harign them but it's even tricker to do this. =3D)