Subject: Re: Sun3/50 SCSI DMA problem - need guinea pigs
To: Mauricio Tavares <>
From: Bill Bradford <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 02/15/1996 11:39:44
At 09:58 AM 2/15/96 -0500, you wrote:
>While shopping for shruberries, Bill Bradford pondered:
>> BTW, I picked up a "Core 217" 150mb HD / 150mb Archive tape drive combo
>> the other day for $30 . . . I assume this stuff will work with the sun3s?
>> It appears
>> to be all SCSI, same 3-row 50-pin connectors . . . I may just mount both tape
>> drives and HDs in the Sun3 hatbox.....
> I'm jealous. =)
> Where did you get this box? Do they still have another?
Got it in "cheap old crap that we don't know what the hell it is" section of
a local
Computer Renaissance store (used PCs); tossed in with the old 286 motherboards,
floppy controllers, Dec Rainbow floppies, etc. I grabbed it up . . . but
I'm still unsure
if the stuff will work or not; I'm still kinda leery to try it . . . . .
wondering if I can just
daisychain this box off the back of the sun3 "hatbox" at first..... any ideas?
Bill Bradford *
Assistant Systems Administrator
Internet Oklahoma