Subject: Re: Sun3/50 netboot progress!
To: None <>
From: James Michael Chacon <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/30/1996 22:53:08
>I scrounged up a Sun3/50 with PROM revision 2.6 and have finally been
>able to reproduce the hang described above.  (I had an old 3/50 that
>Adam sent me, but had to displace something to make room for it...)
>The hang occurs when the netif_sun.c module calls the PROM open
>routine.  The open would sometimes work, but often fail.  I tried
>changing the resources passed to the PROM open and found that the
>open routine in PROM version 2.6 appears to be sensitive to the
>location of the DVMA buffer supplied to it.  When I use a "high",
>page-aligned DVMA address, the PROM open routine works reliably.
>I'll check-in these changes and put the latest netboot on
> /ftp/pub/NetBSD/arch/sun3/

Ok, I've got a 2.3 rom on my sun 3/50M. Booted just fine! Cool, now I
have no native sun stuff running this machine.

>Thanks to all who helped accurately characterize the problem.
>Now let's see if we can make SCSI work on the old 3/50...

I boot a completely diskless machine serving off my 486/33 sitting 3 inches 
above the sun3 on my desk. The problems I'm seeing is I go to boot and
it works about 50% of the time. The other 50% it randomly core dumps 
something in the boot process with illegal instruction calls and then
once that starts most any other program starts core dumping as well. 
Any ideas? The machine will pass the complete diags from the prom.

Yes, I do realize a 4M sun3/50 diskless machine isn't real speedy but I
don't exactly plan on using it as a cpu farm :-)
