Subject: mountd -r
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Diyamanthi Dahanayake <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/08/1996 14:00:52
Hi All,
Thanks very much, the latest scenario;
model: Sun 3/60
real mem = 8372224
nfs_boot: hostname = client
root on machineA:/export/machineB/root
swap on machineA:/export/machineB/swap
and it hangs..... (but tcpdump shows nfs actvity on the wire)
permissions, etc??
/export/machineB/root/ is populated with
base, comp, and etc ditributions
mountd was run as,
mountd -r -d, and the output was,
Getting export list.
Got line /export -alldirs -maproot=0:10 machineB
Making new ep fs=0x20403,0x1
doing opt -alldirs -maproot=0:10 machineB
doing opt -maproot=0:10 machineB
got host machineB
Getting mount list.
Here we go.
* the above corresponds to /etc/exports only entry
* /export -alldirs -maproot=0:10 machineB
* The below entries appeared when the sun started
* it boot sequence
Mount successfull.
Mount successfull.
Mount successfull.
* /export/machineB/root/etc/fstab entries,
* machineA:/export/machineB/root / nfs rw,-r=1024,-w=1024
* machineA:/export/machineB/x11r6 /usr/x11r6 nfs rw,-r=1024,-w=1024
The bootparamd output
(which correspond to the 3 Mount successful(s) above)
machineA bootparamd: whoami got question for
machineA bootparamd: This is host machineB
machineA bootparamd: Returning machineB
machineA bootparamd: getfile got question for "machineB" and file "root"
machineA bootparamd: returning server:machineA
path:/export/machineB/root address:
machineA bootparamd: whoami got question for
machineA bootparamd: This is host machineB
machineA bootparamd: Returning machineB
machineA bootparamd: getfile got question for "machineB" and file "root"
machineA bootparamd: returning server:machineA
path:/export/machineB/root address:
machineA bootparamd: getfile got question for "machineB" and file "swap"
machineA bootparamd: returning server:machineA
path:/export/machineB/swap address:
I have the tcpdump output at the server FreeBSD 2.1 end, if any one
needs it (condensed).