Subject: Re: Tape loading problems
To: Perry Hutchison <>
From: Mauricio Tavares <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/04/1996 12:30:22
While shopping for shruberries, Perry Hutchison pondered:
> > I was able to borrow one of those Sun tape drives
> > that reads the 150MB tapes ... made then the two NetBSD tapes ...
> > went back to the 3/50.
> > 
> > >b st()
> > Boot: st(0,0,0)
> > st: Error:
> >         sense key is 5  error is 0
> > scsi: dma never completed
> >         sense key is 6  error is 0
> > scsi: dma never completed
> Quite possibly your 3/50's boot ROM does not support the QIC-150
> drive.  The older ones will only handle a 60MB drive.
	Well, so we are back to network install.

        I've found Ultrix has bootparamd installed (Thanks Markus). 
Theoretically, I can boot a diskless Sun from it.  Now, how to is where
the fun begins. 

As of now, rarpd is working fine; the 3/50 is able to get its IP number
from the Ultrix box without any problem.  However, it seems to have some
kind of problem  since it keeps repeating the message

tftp: time-out

over and over even though I do have an entry for it in /etc/inetd.conf

tftp    dgram   udp     wait    /usr/etc/tftpd  tftpd -r /usr/NetBSD/Sun3/diskless/tftpboot

(the netboot program is in /usr/NetBSD/Sun3/diskless/tftpboot)

My /etc/bootparams file looks like this:

keshya	root=kushana:/usr/NetBSD/export/root \
	swap=kushana:/usr/NetBSD/export/swap \
and my /etc/exports file looks like this:

/usr/NetBSD/Sun3 			-o
/usr/NetBSD/Sun3/install 		-r=0 keshya
/usr/NetBSD/Sun3/diskless 		-r=0 keshya
/usr/NetBSD/Sun3/diskless/tftpboot 	-r=0 keshya
/usr/NetBSD/Sun3/diskless/root 		-r=0 keshya
/usr/NetBSD/Sun3/diskless/share 	-r=0 keshya
/usr/NetBSD/Sun3/diskless/swap 		-r=0 keshya

I've put a link to netboot in /usr/NetBSD/Sun3/diskless/tftpboot

lrwxr-xr-x  1 root           32 Jan  4 11:24 80E32A0D@ -> /usr/NetBSD/Sun3/install/netboot
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root            8 Jan  4 12:00 80E32A0D.SUN3@ -> 80E32A0D

and have uncompressed version of miniroot and netbsd-rd in 

-rw-r--r--  1 root      8388608 Dec 26 15:55 miniroot
-rw-r--r--  1 root       837481 Dec 26 15:55 netbsd-rd

since according to the docs I am supposed to have a copy of netbsd-rd in 
the root directory I am providing for the 3/50 (/etc/bootparams).  About 
miniroot, I just put it there since I did not have a better place to put it.

	What have I right now?  The 3/50 is able to ask the DEC 5000 for
its IP address ( without any problem.  However, it seems not
to be able to go any further than that, filling the screen with

tftp: time-out.



| Mauricio Tavares          | "We will attack...                          |
| |  ...under the cover of daylight!" Rimmer    |