Subject: Xwindows
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Chris Callanan <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/02/1996 21:20:03
Hi there,

I am having some problems getting Xwindows running on my 3.60 with 1.1.

When i run 'startx' it starts up, but then dies part way thru with just
the message that X is going down, and i get a bunch of core files in my

if i log in from telnet connection, and run things manually, here is the
script output i get...

Script started on Tue Jan  2 21:06:45 1996
9:06pm duvel/usr/bin/X11# Xsun &
[1] 181
9:06pm duvel/usr/bin/X11# setenv DISPLAY duvel:0.0
9:07pm duvel/usr/bin/X11# twm &
[2] 182
9:07pm duvel/usr/bin/X11#
[2]    Illegal instruction    twm (core dumped)
9:07pm duvel/usr/bin/X11# xterm &
[2] 183
9:07pm duvel/usr/bin/X11#
[2]    Illegal instruction    xterm (core dumped)
9:07pm duvel/usr/bin/X11# xconsole &
[2] 184
9:07pm duvel/usr/bin/X11#
[2]    Illegal instruction    xconsole (core dumped)
9:07pm duvel/usr/bin/X11# tvtwm &
[2] 185
9:07pm duvel/usr/bin/X11# xsetroot -solid green
9:08pm duvel/usr/bin/X11# xsetroot -solid blue
9:08pm duvel/usr/bin/X11# xsetroot -solid black
9:08pm duvel/usr/bin/X11# kill -9 181
X connection to duvel:0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

[2]    Exit 1                 tvtwm

[1]    Killed                 Xsun
9:08pm duvel/usr/bin/X11# exit

Script done on Tue Jan  2 21:08:42 1996

so you'll notice that twm, xterm, xconsole.. all of that came from the
distribution..  the tvtwm i compiled myself...

here is my xinitrc file

9:18pm (chimay)/duvel/usr/X11/lib/X11/xinit# more xinitrc
# $XConsortium: xinitrc.cpp,v 1.4 91/08/22 11:41:34 rws Exp $

# start some nice programs

xconsole -f /dev/kd -fg white -bg darkslategrey -geom 80+50 &
/usr/X11R6/bin/tvtwm &
#/usr/X11R6/bin/fvwm &
xsetroot -solid slategrey
oclock -geometry 50x50-1-82 -bg CadetBlue &

exec xterm -fg white -bg black -geometry 80x55+0+0 -name login -sb

does anyone have any ideas on why everything keeps crashing on me??

i've tried with different kernels even, i also went back to 1.0A and
it still crashes...

