Subject: multiprocessor sun3/160
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Thomas J. Trebisky <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 10/18/1995 15:14:50
Thought I would ask here, since there is a fair amount of expertise
on sun3 gear. I have a stack of 6 sun3/160 cpu boards, and that leads
one to wonder about things like putting more than one of them into
a chassis. There seem to be some documented jumpers (J2700-J2703) that
can configure a board as a master or a slave.
Has anyone heard of multi-cpu things being done with the sun 3/160 or
any other of the sun3 vme gear?
Tom Trebisky Steward Observatory University of Arizona
(602) 621-5135 Tucson, Arizona 85721