Subject: Re: Xwindows help
To: Colin Henein <>
From: Chris Callanan <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 10/03/1995 15:50:13
Once upon a time, Colin Henein said to me:
> In a previous message, Gordon W. Ross writes:
> > 
> > Great!  I'm still waiting for someone to send me a complete set
> > of notes on what it takes to make Linux serve diskless Suns...
> > 
> If someone ever put together a list of such notes, I'd really
> appreciate a copy...

i'm still working on it...

between school and work, i find it hard to find time to breathe....

hopefully i can get them out for the 1.1 release in november.  is
there a deadline for inclusion in that?


  Chris Callanan - CpE major 

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