Subject: Re: X-Windows on SUN 3/60
To: None <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kurt Schreiner <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 09/12/1995 09:53:19
hi gernot,

In message <> you write:
>My problem is the following: I currently tried to set-up 2 old SUN
>3/60 as X-Windows terminals. Loking around i stumbled across the
>SUN3 port of NetBSD. ...
another way to 'build' X-terms from old suns is installing the
Xkernel, a stripped down kernel which only gets you an Xserver,
nothing else! But you'll need another machine as a boot server for the
Xkernel-machines. (I once used this setup with a 3/50 as X-terminal
and an slc as server.)
one place to find Xkernel is

not really netbsd-related, but hope this helps,

| Kurt Schreiner                     |   email: |
| Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitaet    |                                      |
| Zentralbibliothek - EDV-Abteilung  |   Tel.: +49 6131 39 2219             |
| Jakob-Welder-Weg 6, D-55030 Mainz  |   Fax.: +49 6131 39 3820             |