Subject: Re: 3/260?
To: Tim Bradshaw <>
From: David Jones <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 07/22/1995 01:11:41
> I have a sleeping 3/260 with two fuji-something disks on a xylogics
> controller, and a high resolution bwtwo.  I could probably scavenge a
> scsi disk at a pinch, though I'd rather not.  I'd quite like to run
> netbsd on this, is it likely to be possible?  Is the sun3 port keeping
> up with the various PC ports?

The sun3 port is keeping up, sort of.  It needs a bot of device driver

At the moment, there is no xy driver.  I was going to do it, and might
still do it when/if I get around to it.  Right now, I'm busy
reworking the SCSI driver, and that's when I'm not doing firewall
code (which makes $$$, and NetBSD doesn't).

Other than that, a 260 with bwtwo should run fine.

David Jones, M.A.Sc student, Electronics Group (VLSI), University of Toronto
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