Subject: Just a question...
To: mailing list <port-sun3@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Zdeno Krasnay <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 06/09/1995 11:58:39
Hello all,
I am new here. I'd like to ask about porting NetBSD on SUN 3/80, which
has sun3x kernel architecture. Still I haven't heard about somebody who is
runing NetBSD on such machine. If it's possible, please tell me how.
I am not a system programmer, so I hope somebody can help me... ;-)
Thank you !
* *
* Zdenko K R A S N A Y * _/_/_/_/ _/ _/
* Institute of Experimental Physics SAS * _/ _/ _/
* Watson Str. 47, 043 53 Kosice, Slovakia * _/ _/_/
* phone:(+42 95) 62 28 158 fax:(+42 95) 363 20 * _/ _/ _/
* telex: 77348 sav c, * _/_/_/_/ _/ _/
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* *