Subject: sun3 status
To: None <>
From: Gordon W. Ross <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 07/11/1994 12:12:34
I have killed a few bugs in pmap.c and I can now run enough processes
(more than eight) that the pmap code has to fight over contexts and
page-map-entry-groups (PMEGs). It will now run for a while under
these conditions (15 min. to an hour), but after a while, it still
shows signs of getting VM mappings trashed (SIGSEGV, SIGILL, etc.).
So, it's getting there I guess, but progress is slow and painful...
Currently one can boot this kernel on a Sun3/60 with the console
as either the keyboard/display, ttya or ttyb. It (reportedly) will
boot on a Sun3/50 but only with ttya or ttyb (not keyboard/display).
Gordon W. Ross Internet: <>
Mercury Computer Systems Voice mail: 508-256-0052x295
199 Riverneck Road Front desk: 508-256-1300
Chelmsford, MA 01824-2820 Facsimile: 508-256-3599